Sunday, May 3, 2009

OIL contract expire

Case Study - OIL May contract exp April 21, 2009

Here is the link for OIL exp date

QQQ said... April 21, 2009 1:45 PM
boys and girls, be careful around 2:30PM when OIL May contract exp. USO trick could cause XLE move. and we already see how OIH did, big boys were OUT puts yesterday,
QQQ said...
KEEP eyes on CLM9 OIL June Contract around 2:30 for mkt direction. and XLF of course.

QQQ said... April 21, 2009 2:21 PM
waiting for 845-850, I am think if they get enough shorts here, they can sqeeze them to get it pass 842 for target 850. if 842 was real top, the sell off would have been bigger, not 5 points and supported by 50ema NOW, let's see.
remember this mkt needs shorts to go up. I will at least wait after 2:30

bokchoy said... April 21, 2009 2:36 PM
HOHO, QJ is niu, 2:30 bounce right on time
WhoAmI said...
market jumped after QJ's commends. I can not believe my eyes!!!
but i trust QJ, So I longed for a couple of minutes and took profit already.

QQQ said...
for DT ES, XLF, XLE, QQQQ, you at least see 2-3 red 5mins bars in a row on any 2 of these 3, to do a quick short, if not, stay long or flat.

QQQ said...
By the way, I am serious, My today's real time comments worth 10 year trading experiences. Please found time print out ES or SPX 5min charts and print out my comments with timing. Especially the comments on 2:30PM OIL and its impact, and when ES touches 50ema, remember what I said. Yes, try remember that in the rest of trading life. I am not kidding. It is very important to GET that mkt sense! Remember you NEEDs to standOUT to WIN this game!
This camp is not just for ES, I will cover a few concepts on Index Future (SPX/ES, NDX/NQ, DOW/YM, RUT/TF), Energy Futures (OIL/CL/QM), Metal Futures (Gold/GC/YG, Copper/HG), and Grain Futures (Wheat/W, Soybean/S, Corn/C) and currency future (EUR:USD, GBP:USD, AUD:USD). So after you complete the camp, you shall know the big picture of future trading world.

QQQ said... February 13, 2009 3:09 PM
OIL is now having a typical action on rolling contracts. to prove that, you can see march CL OI magically went down after today, and Apirl Contract CL's OI went up. the gap now around $5, which was the normal gap,

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